Saturday, 7 March 2015

WS10 Photos from Club Night

I forgot that I had these on my iPad. After posting them on my twitter feed they just went by the wayside! So here we are...

I played against Ade's Tau with the new Necron book. Now, prior to this game I'd not read the book and therefore I didn't really know what much did although I had heard some things! So I started with a list which consisted of:
Lord on Command Barge with Warscythe, Res Orb, etc
C'tan - All 3 because I can!
2 x 10 warriors
Anni Barge
6 Wraiths
Doom Scythe

I was fairly short of figures as when I built the original cron list it was to suit one build and one build only! Now however, it's a different story with the new force org which allows you to take a very different build of Necrons!

We played Emperor's Will with the funny deployment across the table (I play so many games I can't keep track).

From my very vague memory, Ade took: 
Tau Commander (Batman)
2 Bodyguard suits
3 Crisis Suits
2 x 5 Marker Dudes (You know...)
2 x 12 Fire Warriors
3 Broadsides
I was expecting a game which would see me blown off the board but in truth, I actually got across the board and into combat! 

I haven't played a lot of 7th Ed and from what I have played I have enjoyed for the most part. I would really like to play the mission cards more as that's the way that I'm liking to play at the moment.

Anyway, other pics from around the venue...

Thanks for Reading.

I'll see you soon!