I forgot that I had these on my iPad. After posting them on my twitter feed they just went by the wayside! So here we are...
I played against Ade's Tau with the new Necron book. Now, prior to this game I'd not read the book and therefore I didn't really know what much did although I had heard some things! So I started with a list which consisted of:
Lord on Command Barge with Warscythe, Res Orb, etc
C'tan - All 3 because I can!
2 x 10 warriors
Anni Barge
6 Wraiths
Doom Scythe
I was fairly short of figures as when I built the original cron list it was to suit one build and one build only! Now however, it's a different story with the new force org which allows you to take a very different build of Necrons!
We played Emperor's Will with the funny deployment across the table (I play so many games I can't keep track).
From my very vague memory, Ade took:
Tau Commander (Batman)
2 Bodyguard suits
3 Crisis Suits
2 x 5 Marker Dudes (You know...)
2 x 12 Fire Warriors
3 Broadsides
I was expecting a game which would see me blown off the board but in truth, I actually got across the board and into combat!
I haven't played a lot of 7th Ed and from what I have played I have enjoyed for the most part. I would really like to play the mission cards more as that's the way that I'm liking to play at the moment.
Anyway, other pics from around the venue...