Saturday 7 February 2015

Mix-Match (Warmachine/T-Shirts/Relic Knights)

Hello and Welcome!
This post is only a quick update on things, but nonetheless still of great interest!

Relic Knights
For ages now I've had this unsightly character on my desk for my Cerci Speed Circuit faction - Betty and Lug, a huge mechanical robot with his pit crew boss lass. They've been sitting on my desk for ages and I've never gotten round to building them because other things got in the way, like painting in time for an event!
So, I dug the box out and here we go, the finished result. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but hopefully I'll get to have a game with them soon!

In order to increase my chance of gaming with my Cerci Speed Circuit, I have purchased another faction! WOOP! From what I've seen around, I haven't seen much of these: Star Nebula Corsairs - Space Pirates! What swung it for me was the box in the middle... it's a huge cannon shaped like a skull. I mean, who doesn't want one of those firing at you with two crazy ass pirates clinging on! Not got round to building them yet, but soon... soooooon!

(and Warmachine) but Hordes for me! 
I mentioned a while ago about having two lists which I could use in Warmahordes. Now, I know nothing about Warmahordes, I like the models but the game itself is a puzzle to me, so I asked someone else to write the lists and I'll get the models. As it so happened, the person who wrote my lists also had models spare... funny that! So... I was weak and bought them! It does save me a ton of assembly time but I've got to repaint them the way I want them... Drybrushed....
The first task was debasing the ones covered in snow, which was easy for some of the smaller bases but was a nightmare for the larger dragon and monster models! 
I made a start on the painting. I've decided that a blue is the way to go but I'll need to build the layers up. So I've started with a 'mid-ranged' blue and washed it. Not all the models are being done at this time (because I ran out of spray paint!) but I've taken a few that I'll need and started with those.

My lists are as follows:
List 1:
Absylonia, Terror of Everblight (*5pts)

* Harrier (2pts)

* Raek (4pts)

* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)

* Carnivean (10pts)
* Carnivean (10pts)

* Typhon (11pts)

Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)

The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)

List 2:
Saeryn, Omen of Everblight (*5pts)

* Raek (4pts)

* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)

* Angelius (9pts)
* Angelius (9pts)
* Angelius (9pts)

* Carnivean (11pts)

Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)

1 Spell Martyr (1pts)

The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
Apparently they're standard for the game... I don't know, as long as I kill stuff! 
Lastly, you may have seen on Twitter some designs I had drawn up which involved some famous Malifaux figures! I asked a certain printing service and certain gentleman to get them done for me and these are the results... 

And number two...  Front

That's it from me for this blog but I'll be back!

Thanks for reading,
I'll see you soon!

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