The notion of representing your
nation is a great honour and one that is represented in Guild Ball too. Coming
this May at my FLGS (Phoenix Games, Stourbridge, UK) our esteemed Pundit Rob
(@derby_malal) is running a ‘Cup of Nations’ style event!
For those who don’t know the
premise is this; every player card has a location where that person is from.
So, therefore they would come together to represent their nation, regardless of
the Guild they represent.
One of the lads on the GB forum
has come up with a list of players and their affiliated nations. Many thanks to you!
Midas- Captain
Fillet- Captain
Dirge- Mascot
Obulus- Captain
Smoke- Captain
Hammer- Captain
Princess- Mascot
Honour- Captain
Rage- Captain
Strongbox- Mascot
Corsair- Captain
Pin Vice- Captain
Mainspring- Mascot
Marbles- Mascot
Flask- Mascot
Mother- Mascot
Naja- Mascot
Tapper- Captain
Scum- Mascot
Ox- Captain
Truffles- Mascot
Scalpel- Captain
Ballista- Captain
Theron- Captain
Tentacles- Mascot
Esters- Captain
Shark- Captain
Salt- Mascot
Fahad- Mascot
Vileswarm- Mascot
Harry the Hat
*currently playable
Now, you might look that those
with * next to them and think ‘they’re not bad teams’ and you will be right. I
want to explore one of these nations in depth and look at how the players can
combine together to make a reasonable team - which, as we know, in my hands
will become less successful than Scotland in a qualifier!
The team I want to focus on are
the Raed National Team and
really, what drew me to this team was one reason – Colossus! I don’t have him
yet, but the more I really want to put him on the table. Now, I will be putting
my initial thoughts down as I go through the cards – please bear in mind that I
will obviously be wrong and any combos I find will clearly be inaccurate and
totally shit! Alternatively, I might find something which is quite good but due
to the way I play the game, will be totally ineffective.
Let’s have a look at the team:
Hammer- Captain (Masons)
Princess- Mascot (Butchers)
Avarisse (Union)
Greede (Union)
Graves (Morticians)
Colossus (Engineers)
Spigot (Brewers)
Flint (Masons)
Tower (Masons)
Chaska (Hunters)
A great mix of Guilds and players
involved in this team. What sets it apart is the tantalising use of both Spigot
and Flint – this gives me the option to play football, something which hasn’t
happened in a while!
Obviously, with only having one
Captain and Mascot, choices are limited as what to take. If I’m looking at
selecting a ‘National 8’, then I’m now down to 6 with a very simple choice.
On to the team;
I must admit, I haven't seen Hammer on the table being played. Whether that's for the simple reason that the Chis-ile is far better than the options he has available or just that people haven't explored him as much as they could.
I like the Heroic Play ability to give additional damage, kick or movement to a player is fairly handy. I can see benefits of loading up a player like Flint or Spigot, using this play to load up movements and kicks in order to get them into positions for later in the turn. Likewise, the damage results that players like Chaska or, dare I say it, Vet Graves could kick out can be devestating.
A fairly decent playbook with momentus tackle and KD for just 3 results, an achievable target to say the least. Coupled with the ability of 'Stoic' he isn't going to get bullied around the pitch AND (because there's more) the fact that he can use 'Knockback' and move models away, effectively controlling areas of the pitch is very handy.
'What about drawbacks?!' I hear you cry! 1" melee for a guy with a big hammer is upsetting. Also the standard Mason DEF 3/ARM 1 will make him easy to hit but Tough Hide provides him with more survivability. With the fact he's a momentum generator, he can heal himself fairly quickly if engaged. The short range of his Character Plays will mean his play style towards his team will have to be fairly close knit but the Heroic Play extends the threat range and capability of the play.
What I did forget to mention was the fact his INF count is incredibly good value! Bringing 4 to the table and effectively not needed that much unless you want to control a section of the board is amazing for a captain!
Yes, yes. She's a ridiculously good at putting the tackle in or maybe even give bleeding to something! Her character trait of gaining additional MP, TAC and MOV for a turn does bear benefits, it is a threat which is very real and in a footballing team, can provide a real edge. There isn't a lot to say about this beaut, apart from a solid mascot!
I don't need to say anything. This coupled with his best buddy Greede are the sole reason the meta has shifted. The fact activations can be controlled and you get one up on your opponent will be the main reason a lot of people will play Raed. Are they an auto-include? In this current meta, yes but there are other options available. Avarisse is a fairly strong player but with a 1" melee he doesn't control the areas of the pitch as I'd like. Still - singled out and momentum generating is a big deal in this team!
Greede is, well... just Greede! An additional influence is great and the fact you can gain an additional activiation is amazing! Weak? Yes, but at the back they shouldn't be bothering him.
Here we go! Click, Click Boom! Another low DEF model but some you can keep at a slight distance. Potentially ARM 2 or 3 in the right circumstance but he can be left exposed. I think, for the moment at least, he's not an auto include. The Snared condition doesn't do a great deal in this team in terms of synergy but again, it is a way in which to block channels and protect those with the ball. He is someone to think about. I really wish his Boom Box was either 6" or 8" so he could be a bit more of a ranged hunter!
Honestly, I do like the model of Colossus but I've never really had any desire to get him on the table. However, the more I read Engineers and the more I know about the play style, the more I want him on it! (I really want to do something about the arms though!) Another model with Tough Hide and Light Footed - Move over terrain, you're irrelevant! The big thing for me that makes him a choice to include into a team is the Close Control characteristing. The fact he has a 4/6" kick is pretty good. Imagine - he's loaded with 3 INF, he's given +2/+2 movement by Hammer's character play once, he's up to movement 8/10 with a 6" a 16" threat range but what if that happened again... 18" threat isn't anything to be sniffed at. He could also be the battering ram for someone like Flint to barge through, using his Ramming Speed ability. Who knows, he could get into a position to snapshot!
Best striker in the game? I think using Hammer's Heroic he can be for sure! Yes, he's an INF grabber but if Hammer's not using some of his and Colossus doesn't need everything, you'd load him up... right? Close Control and Where'd They Go? make him excellent in avoiding losing the ball and getting the hell out of dodge!
Just think about this for a moment... 1 INF to shoot (with momentum, obviously), 1 INF for super shot, 1 INF for Where'd they go? and 1 INF spare to be given either additional dice to kick or +2 movement. You're then looking at a 21" threat range model with 4 dice on the kick... hmmm... Let's move on!
Graves and Veteran Graves
Some would debate a modern staple with Scalpel in a Morts team, others have completely left him completely in the dark. In terms of this team, he works well with Princess for the bleed ability. What holds him back for me is the 1/4 INF. I really like Graves or I want to really like Graves. Handing out bleeding and a charge of 9" against bleeding targets make him a viable option. I've seen him being used as a winger and in the midfield. However, I would think about using him as a mop up around the back in defence, coupled with Princess!
Just like Eminem, guess who's back with a brand new...rap? Blade? Blade!
Less TAC, better ARM, lower DEF, more INF. Where's the trade off? Well, a better playbook with easier access to momentus results. I would be careful because he doesn't have the benefits as 'normal' Graves and Traits/Plays revolve around Vileswarm. The bonus with him is the Gravedigger ability. Having a team focusing on beating a player and getting them off the board, this is useful. Would I use him in this team... hmm... I'm not sure. I know I want to play football, I'm not sure he would fit in.
The question is - 'Would Graves fit?' The answer simply is yes, he would. The S1 Graves can work with Princess to mop up the back of the board, hunting vicitims who have broken free to score!
Spigot and Veteran Spigot
You mention footballing players and what comes to mind? Spigot, Flint, Mist are just a few who come to mind. Spigot's Football Legend is an auto include in this team, boosting both Flint and Colossus to give them even a bit more range! The 'Floored' ability is one which may not see a lot of play, however is useful in this team, particuarly with Hammer and Avarisse. While the 'Tooled Up' condition is not changing just yet, that makes someone like Hammer quite scary with the additional damage!
Have you ever lost the ball and thought 'Crap! I could do with that back!' Can I interesting you in getting the ball back and giving it to someone with 4"? Oh good. The cost? Just 2 successes on your TAC! I know!
Let me a paint a picture -
Oppo with the ball, Spigot engages and Flint is say 20ish" away from the goal (shooting range). Ball suddenly pops out to him and away he goes! Now that's what I call value!
What about his Heroic Play? An additional +2" movement when starting his advance? Yes please!
Now Veteran Spigot is a different kettle of fish altogther. The model is amazing by the way! So cool! Ball's Gone ability is still there but now he has gained close control and a Heroic play which allows a non-momentus kick! Now, this is quite big, especially as his kick is now 4/8"!!! If he's got the ball too that's a 18" threat. Another model with a huge threat range to go and attack the goal.
The tough choice comes down to what you want Spigot to do - be a support piece for Flint and Colossus to go up and grab a few goals or do you want to add him to your line up as a 3rd striker with the ability to set up plays and get the ball for the ranged shots? I've left out Goad and Paint on your Boots, they're nice abilites and add to his value as a support piece in his Veteran respect. This is a massive, massive call and one that would take a little bit of playing around with the find the right formula. My gut tells me that S1 Spigot is the choice to make right now because of his extra movement tricks but I would want to try out Vet Spigot to see what he's got but I think there needs to be some form of utilty within the team.
Finally, Tower. Again, another model I haven't really seen on the board but that might be because I haven't seen much Masons being played. The Shutout ability, like Silence, is so busted if it goes off and can potentially win you a game. Giving Defensive Ground to something is fairly handy but very circumstantial. Like Hammer, the 'Knockback' ability is able to control zones and move models across the board without too much trouble and 'Floored', like Spigot, would be handy if you were walking up the board with Hammer moving people out of the way. The Heroic Play is interesting. I'm not sure that I would use it in this team, as I think the people I would want close and not taking damange would be those who can jink away from others and be bearing down on goal. An interesting player but one I think would be on the fringe.
Team Selection
Who would you pick? It'll probably be different to my 8 but that's because you're reading this and have a better idea of the rules than I do!
I'd go for the following:
Hammer [C]
Princess [M]
Avarisse and Greede
Leaving Tower out isn't a bad thing but he may be interchangable for Graves at some point depending on the situation or how the forward like plays.
I'd be looking to play high and catch teams early scoring goals. The ability to shoot from a great distance will allow me to set early and be able to dominate areas of the board.
The next step is to decide on colours and how they are to be based.
I'm going to do a bit of research and hopefully will be able to try out a colour scheme on a model!
It's been a lengthy post today but hope it's given you something to think about, particuarly with National Sides! If you can, the tournament would be excellent to get down to!
Thanks for reading.
I'll see you soon!