Saturday 1 October 2016

Brew Me A River (Guild Ball)

Well my friends, the time has come to update you on the proceedings of the Guild Ball Big League down at my FLGS!
I can tell you that I've played two games in incredibly quick succession getting out of the way my Round 4 and Round 5 games! With the volume of photos I've taken, it's probably best over two posts!

Currently, I am sat with my ankle strapped up in ice after tearing ligaments at the gym! The important message here is - exercise is bad for you! Not due to the fact I wasn't looking where I was going whilst stepping off the cross-trainer, oh no! Exercise is BAD! This has given me the perfect chance however to write up my match reports!

Round 4 
A little known fact about me is that I'm actually not bottom of this Guild Ball League - amazing right?! I know!
Another little known fact is that my Round 4 opponent: Archie is bottom!
This was going to be the battle for the Wooden Spoon - serious though, this is it - this is the REAL battle for the wooden spoon!

Morticians vs. Brewers!
What could go wrong?!

Team Selection
Where to begin? Well, I’ve borrowed Hearne with the expressed interest of him being able to dodge from tree to tree like Tarzan (who’s had a lot of pies) and being able to control areas with his abilities. Without getting into too much detail, this plan was utter crap! If I was borrowing anyone from the Hunters, it really should have been Egret. Nevermind.
I’ve got:
Obulus [C]
Dirge [M]
Hearne [Loanee]
You will notice that Hearne looks suspiciously like Mash, this is indeed correct and not a result of you having a little too much to drink even though your wife, girlfriend or indeed mother told you not to have that last bit of red! The fact was, I had forgotten mine and Pete, the lad I was borrowing him off, hadn’t arrived yet – this does rectify itself in a bit – don’t panic but seriously, put the wine down!

You will notice that Hearne looks suspiciously like Mash, this is indeed correct and not a result of you having a little too much to drink even though your wife, girlfriend or indeed mother told you not to have that last bit of red! The fact was, I had forgotten mine and Pete, the lad I was borrowing him off, hadn’t arrived yet – this does rectify itself in a bit – don’t panic but seriously, put the wine down!
Archie’s Team:
Tapper [C]
Scum [M]
A pretty standard line up that you might expect from the Brewers. What I didn’t realise, and I’m going to claim that I forgot and not that I didn’t even bother to read the cards, was Stave’s Donkey Kong barrel lobbing antics… more on that later!

On to the Plot Cards! I’ve drawn my 7 and they all look fairly familiar. 

Obviously ‘Don’t Touch the Hair’ and ‘Statement of Intent’ are auto-includes. Then what are the chances of Friday scoring – high? Yeah, so I’m probably going to concede first which ‘Make a Game of It’ will be good for and then ‘Second Wind’ and ‘Damage Sponge’ for the inevitable take outs which will ensue!

Next, Set Up! With Archie winning the roll off, it was up to me to set up first and look where I was going to kick. As you can see, I’m fairly together after I learnt my lesson against Jimmy (@jimmygstar) about spreading models a bit too far across the board, even though I was to play attractive passing football... 

Archie's set up is close to mine, making sure that Scum is near Friday and Tapper. 

Now… the moment you’ve been waiting for… The Match!
- Silences kicks off with the ball heading towards Stave but atually ends up nearer Tapper!
-  Silence causally walks up to Spigot in the hope of holding him up and stopping him getting near the ball.
- Spigot is joined by Stave and Scum, chipping away slowly at Silence. In hindsight, maybe not the best plan but it did hold him up for a bit.
- Friday joins the crew on Silence. Now, for me that is a worthwhile trade off - 4 models actively engaging one!
- Cosset sees red, rages and slams into Spigot.
- Obulus moves Ghast forward and with his sprint move he collects the ball.   

 - By this time Archie is gaining momentum at a rapid rate (and it's only the first turn) so...

.I'll be taking all that off him in order to win the race for the next turn and clear all conditions. It seems a bit premature but actually, an important time in order to get the drop on the first turn to see if I can make it count! With 4 players pulled out of position this was an ideal time to capitalize!

Archie didn't think so...
Anyway, back to the game!
- Ghast passes to Heane who has made his way up the board, ghosting in between the trees!
- Unfortunately, Stave and Tapper are joining the fight against Silence. Honest, I get it - I really do! This guy's a dick but is there any need to start smashing him up this way?! 
- Silence is silenced but by 6 models... now that seems like a good trade off to me! 0-2!
- Attention now turns to Cosset who has already damaged herself in order to go crazy!
- Hooper flies into Dirge (I know, it's the second pun I've made in 5 bullet points, admit it, you loved it!) and promptly turns him into a pie!
- Obulus puts Puppet Master onto Hearne to move him out of the forest and closer to the goal...with no-one guarding it!
- Spigot, Friday and Stave finish off Cosset - no great shock! 0-4!
- Silence, Cosset and Dirge (after spending MP - see, I do read some rules) come back on the pitch. I hang Silence back but get the red mist with Dirge and Cosset and just try and get her in to do as much damage as possible... yeah... 0-6!
- Friday steams towards Obulus in an attempt to lock him down but he dodges away!

DRUM ROLL PLEASE - This is it... the moment you have been waiting for. The crucial turn in order to get the game back within touching distance... the kick! Hearne moves himself within 4" of the goal for his puny kick and all he needs are 4s... just one... on 3 dice... 4s... just one... one? None.
Well, shit.
 Archie mostly approves of this!

This was about the time I knew the game had slipped away from me and I began to make incredibly bad choices instead of actually thinking carefully about the play in order to retrive the ball or to take models off the table. 

- Spigot charges into Hearne in order to block him getting the ball. Ghast just stands there like a douche!
- The ball bounces around and ends up behind Hearne after a bit of tussling.
- Stave moves in and throws his barrels, hitting Obulus and pushing him away. 
- Silence moves up the board in order to control activations but quickly gets hunted down by Tapper and Friday! Lucky I've got 'Don't Touch the Hair'...on a bald headed man... 
- Hooper catches up with Silence and ends him! 0-8
- Ghast decides he wants to come and help so, he strolls up and unmasks everywhere! Right over Spigot, pushing him straight off the board! 2-8!
- At some point Archie did actually score 2 more points, so really the score should be 2-10 but I cannot remember at what point this happened! Sorry!
- Stave walks over and throws a barrel in Hearne's direction. Due to the nature of the rule, the model gets pushed directly away from the blast...which means... Hearne's off the board! 2-12!

A victory for the Brewers!

A thoroughly frustrating game as I felt we were evenly matched...apart from the losing bit. Had I socred, would that have changed anything? Should Obulus have waited to use his Legendary? Was my model selection correct for the task? All things to consider, for sure.

What I have learnt.
- Don't go near the edge of the board while Stave is around!
- Think carefully about model positioning, particularly with valuable pieces like Silence. Although the 6 vs 1 trade off was nice, what was the actual benefit? Had I scored then the benefit would be +4VPs for dragging them out of position but actually, it didn't matter.
- Read carefully what cards can do and be aware of their abilities on the pitch. Guild Ball is a game where you don't need to know what your opponent's models do but it's a great help and really, there are only 6 models on each team, so having a working knowledge is pretty handy! 

So, rock bottom of the league and just floundering! The Wooden Spoon is coming home to Blighty! I guess I better look at what I do in order to win that favour thingy!

Oh, on another note - I've got my Hunters' Guild finished off (with the exception of the bear, I don't have him...yet) with snow bases!
The big squirrel behind will be my goal eventually after it's based and painted in a darker shade of brown.

I do have another match report to write so keep your eyes peeled!

Thanks for reading,
I'll see you soon.


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