Sunday, 30 November 2014

Let me show you a trick (Malifaux Short Story)

 At the beginning of this blog I said I wanted to put a few short stories up and this seems a good a time as any to post a short Malifaux story! Enjoy! 


The dark wooden platforms groaned constantly under the sheer weight above, passengers disembarking from their carriages onto the makeshift ramps laden with cargo. Some, luggage-less and alone, others with vast arrays of wealth on show. Either way, they were excited for what lay ahead. 

It had been only a few years since the Breach reopened and excitement generated by the Guild earth side meant that more and more wanted to hoard the precious stones which lay hidden in Malifaux. The greed had engulfed an entire population who, for their own selfish reasons, wanted to be in receipt of the soulstones.

Popularity through the Breach was so much so that the shanty towns which had. Even set up for those with naught were being inhabited by some of the ruling class. That is, until they could find a permanent home which overlooked the slums! Many had tried but many had failed in finding their fortune or masses of power in the mines of Malifaux but for those small few... It was everything they had ever hoped for! 

On the platform of the smoke filled station a small stall was in place. It was an unusual curiosity; faded blue paint peeled from the base and a brown stained, red letter banner hung dishevelled, flapping limply in the wind. On the banner, if you could see, read 'Try your luck'. Next to the stall, slumped on an old suitcase, sat a young man wearing a deep mauve jacket with black trousers and an off white shirt bearing the triumphant stains of many a good meal.  As soon as a coach laden with fortune seekers arrived his slumped expression transformed into one of vibrancy and slick charm. 

One by one passengers disembarked staring in awe at the new sight which awaited them and stood in wonder at the encapsulating magic which was waiting to be discovered. 

This was the time.

The drooped eyes and glum expression changed into a bright smile with a mischievous glint which was sure to intrigue visitors.

'Welcome one and all to the city of dreams, the fortune maker, the heart breaker! What better way than to start your journey from rags to riches than get rich quick here?' His shrill voice bellowed out above the sound of the chugging engine. 'Anyone can try, could you be that guy?' He had gained the attention of many of the newcomers wanting to experience something new in this strange city. Others however, we're not so impressed. To them, he looked like a door to door salesman, pedaling his wares and what he was about to sell wasn't something they were prepared to buy. Mothers rushed children past who stated in awe and men raised eyebrows conspicuously as he goaded the crowd into preplanned responses. 

Those who were immersed in his antics stood watching his speak like an actor with such poise and vigor. In the end, the crowd were hanging on his every word as he recanted tales of Malifaux past and what may lay in store for the lucky few who find the treasures beneath. Finally, after finishing one particularly gruesome tale of a woman who appears from nowhere, he arrived at his mainstay. 
'Now,' he began in a lower, more sinister tone, 'who would like to strike it rich here on this very spot?'
Numerous hands went up and the figure knew who or what he was looking for. He extended a finger towards a pale looking woman with electric orange hair who rather forcefully made her way to the front of the crowd and planted herself firmly in his eyeline.

'Try... Your... Luck?' He announced as the crowd started up in rapturous applause. 
'I'll try' replied the woman in a somewhat firmer voice than her demeanor suggested. 
A feint grin wrapped around the man's face as he produced a deck of cards from his jacket pocket and began shuffling. During the course of his shuffling he went back to talking to the crowd, asking people why they left their lives on the earth side to start here. After a few minutes he had finished. The woman, who was still rooted to the same spot, had been watching him carefully and saw how he had been shuffling the cards. Despite not looking at the deck, the man was well versed in how to manipulate a deck.

'Pick any three cards from this deck. Now, you've all seen me shuffle this so you know nothing underhand is going on!' 
She picked three without hesitation: one from the top, one from the bottom and one a third of the way down. 
'Excellent! If you wish, you can show everyone behind you what you have!' She accepted the offer and made sure everyone had viewed the cards. 'Now place them in any order on the box... If I can correctly guess the 3 cards, then you owe me. If I get them wrong... I will give you this...' With that, from his pocket, he produced a small glinting stone shining a pale green in the desert sunlight. The crowd gasped and stared in awe at the stone, all but one; The pale lady. 

During the crowd's stares, the man stole a glance at the cards. Quick enough for no one to notice, almost. There in the lady's hand sat a 3 of tomes, 10 of crows and a red joker. While he flicked his head back and rolled the stone in between his fingers, he recalled the cards over and over.

'Now, place the cards here and I shall tell 'attempt' to tell you what you have. Remember Ladies and Gents, just one mistake and this beautiful stone will find itself in the hands of this beautiful lady! But if I am right you will be in my debt...' Once again, the crowd gave applause which cut him off mid-sentence. 
'What exactly will be required in your debt?' inquired the lady with a more hushed tone than her previous effort had been.
A rye smile once again crossed the man's face. 'Your freedom, my dear. Just your freedom.'
The lady looked unphased as the crowd behind her started to murmur and break off, some clearly disturbed by this sudden plot twist.
'Very well.' she replied 'My freedom it is.'

Placing himself back on his box, he gestured to the remaining crowd inviting them to come closer and extended his arm with an open palm to the bottom of the box for the lady to place the cards. She duly obliged and spread the three cards across the rough surface.

With a deep breath the man proclaimed 'Three of Tomes, Ten of Crows and... The Red Joker!'
Members of the crowd started to applaud in amazement, others shared stunned glances, while some looked unimpressed at the sideshow and wanted to see the end result; would win or not? Everyone saw the cards and they knew he was right and it was just a formality of the show to flip the cards so everyone could see his absolute genius.

'It is now time to see if I was right... Please pretty lady - flip the cards and see what will happen!'
He reached down to pick the cards up, as he did so the lady stepped forward and grabbed his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
'Please, allow me.'
Letting go of his wrist, she slowly reached towards the cards. Flipping one at a time, she revealed the three of Tomes, Ten of Crows and the Black Joker. Those who were near and had not lost interest peered over as the cards were revealed, then the murmuring stopped.

'You... you tricked me!' yelled the man jumping off the case 'You tricked me!'
Their eyes met in the silence and the man's expression turned from a triumphant winner to a disbelieving monster filled with anger. She, on the other hand, replaced her grim expression with a broad smile. His breathing became deeper as she reached into her jacket and produced a small box which she held in her hands.

'Trick?' she whispered as she went to unhinge the clasp and slowly open the lid. 'Let me show you a trick...'

Saturday, 29 November 2014

A Week in the Life of a Gamer with too much time on their hands!

Well hello! I know I've blogged already today (and by the time this goes out, it probably won't be today...) but I thought I'd post again with #WS10Gaming's club night and a run down of the week.

During this week I was going to do a few things - Play an intro of Relic Knights, Play a game of Fantasy with my Chaos Dwarfs and even get some painting done...Well... 1 out of 3 ain't bad! Honest guv'!

I have of course achieved the goal of playing a Fantasy game! Relic Knights didn't happen due to my opponent not being able to get his models in time and painting didn't happen because of the stressful demands of day to day life... HA! Or it could be because I couldn't be assed to move the Chaos Dwarfs and Relic Knights off the table until I absolutely needed to!

So this left me with a game on Friday against @Petehumpage and teaming up with @Wilsongrahams. We were on course to play a 3000 point doubles game (1500 each). We were joined by Mr Simon B who isn't on Twitter...due to the fact he's a huge penis! Mr B has a knack of picking the FLUFFIEST LISTS EVER... :-/ !!!

Feg... In all his chubby glory! 

Anyway, here is a basic run down of what was on each side: (please remember, this is basic as I know nothing about fantasy!)

Pete: High Elves

Level 4 Wizard
Dragon Princes (10)
Sword Masters (25)
Archers (20 - 2 units of 10)
Sisters of Avelon (10)
Archers on Steeds (10 - 2 units of 5)

Simon (AKA: Feg): Dwarves

Lord on a Shield... 1+ armour save...
50 Longbeards
Cannon with a Rune dude/Engineer
Bolt Thrower with a Rune dude/Engineer

(Would love to post more pics of dwarfs... But only about 10 are painted!)

- - - - - -

Graham: Vampire Counts

Hemlik someone... that Necromancer guy
Cairn Wraith
Wight King
Skellies (40 - 2 units of 20)
Ghouls (20)
Grave Guard (20)
Dire Wolves

Me: Chaos Dwarves

Level 4 Sorcerer
Infernal Guard with Great Weapons (30)
Infernal Guard with Blunderbuss (20)
Deathshrieker Missile Launcher
Deathshrieker Missile Launcher

- - - - - -

The mission...

Ever seen The Hobbit? It was kinda like that - Get to the tower in the middle of the board. Fight a Dragon. Get a Ring. Control a Dragon. Win the game. Simples!

The problem we had as a team? We're slow as fuck and dippy dipshit has a unit of fast horsies which are just brimming to get to the tower and steal the ring off the dragon and gain control and win the game and kick the shit out of everything! :-/

Key Moments:
- Dragon Princes got into the building, refused to fight the dragon, so the dragon hit the girly elf back... 6 attacks... hitting on 3s... wounding on 2s... 5 armour saves... 2 wounds... 4 saved... dick!
- 50 warriors smash into 20 Blunderbusses...Combat stays for 3 turns!
- Skellies kept appearing... ALL OVER THE BOARD!
- The grave guard, wraith and ghouls end up in combat with the dragon... and don't kill it...
- Infernal Guard don't do anything until turn 5 when they get involved against swordmasters... win combat and cut them down... YES... Fatty Chaos Dwarfs cut nippy Elves down... DOWN! Actually, that's a lie, there was a Banshee with them too which actually made the distance but without the Infernal Guard none of this would have happened!
- Dragon Princes secure the ring and run away behind a ruined building... girls...
- Deathstriker Missiles terribly terribly misplace and wound 7 skellies in a raised unit only for Graham to make 5 of the 7 saves!

So... we ended up losing the battle, purely because we couldn't get anywhere near the ring!

Overall, I had a great time, even though my hobby got well and truly crushed. I enjoyed getting back into fantasy and thinking on a more hand to hand based level. I would love to expand my army/game size to 2000 points so I can try out some bits and pieces, maybe even dig out my Bretonnians for a 3k game! I do need to finish painting them though... I made great strides over the August holiday but then they got packed away for other projects. It might be time to unbox ready to wage war in the End Times.

Next week we will be back to 40k goodness with the Apocalypse of Port Maw where I will be taking on Graham in a 3000 point game!

Meanwhile... here are some pics of our gaming night from the 40k side!

That's all from me for now. More photos on my twitter account @geekphotoguy!

So, I'll see you soon! 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Apocoalypse is coming!!!


On Saturday, a group of the WS10 lads are venturing down to the sanctuary that is Pete's house for a game of Apocalypse! When I say a game... I mean 3 different apoco games under ONE ROOF!!! Oh wow, how lucky are we! 

The occasion? An event called Port Maw, which is being run by a group of people in America and this year has been extended to the wondrous United Kingdom! We will be splitting into two tribes, which have been pre determined, and going to war! Because of the size restrictions, we are going to be playing 3000 points each but table sizes and player size, we can't all fit around one table. This is why we are going to split into three different tables. I've been fortunate to be placed on my own against Graham (@Wilsongrahams). When I say fortunate... What I really mean is that I don't have to talk to anyone or take shit tactical advice! 

I'd love to tell you who is on my team as a whole or who the opposition team are but... I don't really care, I just want to use some of the models I get frown upon for using normally! Well, after revealing this list I've come under a lot of flak... But to be fair... It is apocalypse and all I've done is add three models from my usual 1850 list!!! 

Without further-a-do... Here is what I'm taking...

Weave (2+ Armour)
Shifter (3+ Invun)
Res Orb (4+ get back up)
Mindfuck Scarabs
Warscythe (No armour saves, s7)

Weave (2+ Armour)
Shifter (3+ Invun)
Res Orb (4+ get back up)
Mindfuck Scarabs
Warscythe (No armour saves, s7)

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm


Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Anni Barge

Anni Barge

Anni Barge



Transcendent C'tan
Necrodermis (4+ Invun/When dead 4d6" S10 AP2 hits for all!)
Transliminal Slide (Move 18" straight line, any models passed over take sD AP- hit, Cannot charge afterward)
Wave of Withering (Hellstorm, sD, AP1)
Seismic Assault (6D6, s8, AP3, r48")

My thoughts behind this list are to cause as much agro as possible. I want to use a transcendent because he is a lord of war but can be hidden behind a monolith!!! 

On the other side, Graham is taking:

Kaptin Badruk 
Big Mek
4 Nobz
5 Nobz
10 Shoota Boyz in Trukk with Nob
10 Shoota Boyz in Trukk with Nob
10 Shoota Boys in Trukk with Nob
2 Dakkajets
2 Battlewagons
Deff Dread
Looted Wagon
12 Lootas

All in all, not quite sure what to expect really... I think graham is thinking the trancendent will blow his orks off the board in the first turn but I'm not so confident! The fact that Stompa and Gorkanaut can unleash absolute hell in the first turn too will be frightening! 

So... Saturday will bring a whole range of challenges! Looking forward to it! 

Monday, 24 November 2014

The one with Relic Knights and such!

So we're back again with a brand new rap and everybody in the club's going mad... of course, we're not in a club because we're too busy gluing figures together, painting them and some of us are even masturbating over 'Super Wicked Powergaming list' you can create with the loop holes in the rules...WORKSHOP!

Whatever happens... as long as you enjoy it! 

Last time I talked about Relic Knights and some bits and pieces that I had received from the wonderful people on e-Bay. I can confirm that I've got some more which does mean I've doubled up on the Relic and Questing Knights, which isn't so bad and I've increased individual units which is cool!
I thought I'd show you what I've got so far (along with Chaos Dwarfs in the background and Vicks VapoRub!).
I'm looking now to get them painted (not as shit as the one at the front) but actually to a decent standard. I think in order to do that I will need to hire someone who can paint and not just dry brush like I!
As well as finding someone, I've been looking at designs. Here are some examples of what I'm looking for but I think that I'm wanting a whole theme. I was pondering the use of yellow with black squares or even white with black squares - yes, checkered flagesque!

I do like this light blue style but... meh... I'm liking the thought of yellow/black or black/white! Simples!

So the concept of Relic Knights? Well, it's mission based. It doesn't focus on killing other models but completing schemes (much like Malifaux but less violence)! Here a stat card for one of my faction - Cerci Speed Circuit. These are the Hell's Belles... a jetbike unit. The game takes the format in which you move (the first of the top two numbers) in inches, do an action (which might be an attack, interaction, etc) and then... MOVE AGAIN (the second of the numbers on the first line). This unit has a movement each turn of 18" if they want it!
You also don't activate all your models at once, or even on a 'you go - I go' until all models are activated. All models are placed in an activation que which  does adopt the 'you go - I go' format but only with certain models. Confused? No? Good.

There a no dice, just cards! This deck is called the Esper Deck. Esper is the magical energy which powers the world. Each card (with the exception of those black holes) has 2 Esper categories - the larger of the two is worth 2 Esper of that colour, the smaller - is worth 1.
To use these cards, every unit has a set of abilities or attacks which cost a certain value - say 3 green and 2 blue. You must have the cards in your hand in order to use that ability/attack. If you haven't got it... you can't use it! Tough!

I'm quite excited to try this and I will get the chance to this week against @thetweetsofmatt, so I'll take lots of photos and report back to you with how I got on! I think Matt will be using Doctorine - a Harry Potter Magical Academy. It'll be an interesting game if nothing else... better get reading the rules!

Anyway... ONWARD... to Malifaux! 
Long Long Ago... in a Breach far far away... lived Burt and Gracie...I was like... What the hell is Gracie Law doing here? To which the response came back to me... She can't get enough of me! Pfft... he wishes!

Two Burts... aren't you lucky! This one is one I faced on Friday. 
Two Burts... aren't you lucky! The Burt above is a mean S.O.B I faced on Friday when I got to meet a TwitterFauxer Mark (@RedMoonHead) who actually frequents Titan Stourbridge's Sister Store in Lincoln! He's been playing 'Faux for a few months and has a really good grasp of it. He's down here on work so I was lucky enough to get a game with him. Afterwards, we managed to discuss getting to a few tournaments and even having a team to go with called the Titan Tyrants! Really excited for the tournament scene in 2015, especially if I'm going with a big group of homies!
Onto the game... I chose to focus on Jakob Lynch and I was facing off against Somer. It would be a really interesting game especially as we're playing Turf War. Let's say... this didn't end well for me! I said that I'll be looking at a few masters and a fixed faction for 2015...what better way to ease myself in than try out Lynch!
So... I used - Lynch, Huggy, TT Archer, 2 Wastrels, 2 Illuminated, Beckoner, Graves and Tannen. I was up against; Somer, Lenny, 2 Slop Haulers, Burt, Joanna, a few Bayou gremlins (not sure how many he started with due to the fact there were 100 on the table at the end of turn one!) Either way, I was swamped! It wasn't too bad getting towards the Turf Marker but completing my Strats was a different story!
In the pool, we had; Line, Murder Protege, Distract, Assassinate and ... something else!

I used: Murder Protege (Joanna) and Assassinate
Mark took: Assassinate and Distract

It was hard to complete my Murder Prot...particularly considering Joanna flung her hammer into the middle of my crew... so I had to kill her... damn it... 3 points down already. Assassinate was also out because he did really well in bubble wrapping Somer so I couldn't touch him... until I got Huggy in doing damage, with the archer and illuminated chipping in. Graves and Tannen also had their part to play in reducing him to one wound... and then Lenny killed him... shit! Another 3 points gone...
By this time Mark got distract off on multiple models and assassinated Lynch which left him on 10 and me on 4... Learnt a lot about Lynch in that game... like... don't walk him in charge range of Joanna!

Now... This brings me on to my final item of the day... Chaos dwarfs! 
You might know that I purchased a CD army of Steve at Titan which consists of mainly Mantic figures! On Friday I'm playing with Graham (@Wilsongrahams)... no not like that... that's in the car afterward, against Pete (@petehumpage) in a 3000 pt game of Fantasy. Now, I haven't picked up fantasy in about 2 years so I can't really remember many of the rules. I do remember that CD's can't walk very far! I've had a go at writing a 1500 pt army list just to see what it's like! Eventually, I want to get the ForgeWorld Bull Centaurs and war machines then fill the troops out with Mantic figures... twice the figure for half the price!

Overall, this week... Relic Knights on Wednesday and Warhammer on Friday! No Malifaux but fear not... it won't be long!

I've got a huge apocalypse game coming up in which I pit my Necrons against Graham's Orks in 3000 points of 40k carnage! In my next post, I will unveil my army list and background for the game, as well as how this week went in gaming terms!

So... I'll see you soon!

(Please note, I would insert a suitable Big Trouble in Little China quote here... but I don't know any... so you can fill in the rest!)