Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Apocoalypse is coming!!!


On Saturday, a group of the WS10 lads are venturing down to the sanctuary that is Pete's house for a game of Apocalypse! When I say a game... I mean 3 different apoco games under ONE ROOF!!! Oh wow, how lucky are we! 

The occasion? An event called Port Maw, which is being run by a group of people in America and this year has been extended to the wondrous United Kingdom! We will be splitting into two tribes, which have been pre determined, and going to war! Because of the size restrictions, we are going to be playing 3000 points each but table sizes and player size, we can't all fit around one table. This is why we are going to split into three different tables. I've been fortunate to be placed on my own against Graham (@Wilsongrahams). When I say fortunate... What I really mean is that I don't have to talk to anyone or take shit tactical advice! 

I'd love to tell you who is on my team as a whole or who the opposition team are but... I don't really care, I just want to use some of the models I get frown upon for using normally! Well, after revealing this list I've come under a lot of flak... But to be fair... It is apocalypse and all I've done is add three models from my usual 1850 list!!! 

Without further-a-do... Here is what I'm taking...

Weave (2+ Armour)
Shifter (3+ Invun)
Res Orb (4+ get back up)
Mindfuck Scarabs
Warscythe (No armour saves, s7)

Weave (2+ Armour)
Shifter (3+ Invun)
Res Orb (4+ get back up)
Mindfuck Scarabs
Warscythe (No armour saves, s7)

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm

Harbringer of the Storm


Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Warriors (6)

Anni Barge

Anni Barge

Anni Barge



Transcendent C'tan
Necrodermis (4+ Invun/When dead 4d6" S10 AP2 hits for all!)
Transliminal Slide (Move 18" straight line, any models passed over take sD AP- hit, Cannot charge afterward)
Wave of Withering (Hellstorm, sD, AP1)
Seismic Assault (6D6, s8, AP3, r48")

My thoughts behind this list are to cause as much agro as possible. I want to use a transcendent because he is a lord of war but can be hidden behind a monolith!!! 

On the other side, Graham is taking:

Kaptin Badruk 
Big Mek
4 Nobz
5 Nobz
10 Shoota Boyz in Trukk with Nob
10 Shoota Boyz in Trukk with Nob
10 Shoota Boys in Trukk with Nob
2 Dakkajets
2 Battlewagons
Deff Dread
Looted Wagon
12 Lootas

All in all, not quite sure what to expect really... I think graham is thinking the trancendent will blow his orks off the board in the first turn but I'm not so confident! The fact that Stompa and Gorkanaut can unleash absolute hell in the first turn too will be frightening! 

So... Saturday will bring a whole range of challenges! Looking forward to it! 

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