Saturday 29 November 2014

A Week in the Life of a Gamer with too much time on their hands!

Well hello! I know I've blogged already today (and by the time this goes out, it probably won't be today...) but I thought I'd post again with #WS10Gaming's club night and a run down of the week.

During this week I was going to do a few things - Play an intro of Relic Knights, Play a game of Fantasy with my Chaos Dwarfs and even get some painting done...Well... 1 out of 3 ain't bad! Honest guv'!

I have of course achieved the goal of playing a Fantasy game! Relic Knights didn't happen due to my opponent not being able to get his models in time and painting didn't happen because of the stressful demands of day to day life... HA! Or it could be because I couldn't be assed to move the Chaos Dwarfs and Relic Knights off the table until I absolutely needed to!

So this left me with a game on Friday against @Petehumpage and teaming up with @Wilsongrahams. We were on course to play a 3000 point doubles game (1500 each). We were joined by Mr Simon B who isn't on Twitter...due to the fact he's a huge penis! Mr B has a knack of picking the FLUFFIEST LISTS EVER... :-/ !!!

Feg... In all his chubby glory! 

Anyway, here is a basic run down of what was on each side: (please remember, this is basic as I know nothing about fantasy!)

Pete: High Elves

Level 4 Wizard
Dragon Princes (10)
Sword Masters (25)
Archers (20 - 2 units of 10)
Sisters of Avelon (10)
Archers on Steeds (10 - 2 units of 5)

Simon (AKA: Feg): Dwarves

Lord on a Shield... 1+ armour save...
50 Longbeards
Cannon with a Rune dude/Engineer
Bolt Thrower with a Rune dude/Engineer

(Would love to post more pics of dwarfs... But only about 10 are painted!)

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Graham: Vampire Counts

Hemlik someone... that Necromancer guy
Cairn Wraith
Wight King
Skellies (40 - 2 units of 20)
Ghouls (20)
Grave Guard (20)
Dire Wolves

Me: Chaos Dwarves

Level 4 Sorcerer
Infernal Guard with Great Weapons (30)
Infernal Guard with Blunderbuss (20)
Deathshrieker Missile Launcher
Deathshrieker Missile Launcher

- - - - - -

The mission...

Ever seen The Hobbit? It was kinda like that - Get to the tower in the middle of the board. Fight a Dragon. Get a Ring. Control a Dragon. Win the game. Simples!

The problem we had as a team? We're slow as fuck and dippy dipshit has a unit of fast horsies which are just brimming to get to the tower and steal the ring off the dragon and gain control and win the game and kick the shit out of everything! :-/

Key Moments:
- Dragon Princes got into the building, refused to fight the dragon, so the dragon hit the girly elf back... 6 attacks... hitting on 3s... wounding on 2s... 5 armour saves... 2 wounds... 4 saved... dick!
- 50 warriors smash into 20 Blunderbusses...Combat stays for 3 turns!
- Skellies kept appearing... ALL OVER THE BOARD!
- The grave guard, wraith and ghouls end up in combat with the dragon... and don't kill it...
- Infernal Guard don't do anything until turn 5 when they get involved against swordmasters... win combat and cut them down... YES... Fatty Chaos Dwarfs cut nippy Elves down... DOWN! Actually, that's a lie, there was a Banshee with them too which actually made the distance but without the Infernal Guard none of this would have happened!
- Dragon Princes secure the ring and run away behind a ruined building... girls...
- Deathstriker Missiles terribly terribly misplace and wound 7 skellies in a raised unit only for Graham to make 5 of the 7 saves!

So... we ended up losing the battle, purely because we couldn't get anywhere near the ring!

Overall, I had a great time, even though my hobby got well and truly crushed. I enjoyed getting back into fantasy and thinking on a more hand to hand based level. I would love to expand my army/game size to 2000 points so I can try out some bits and pieces, maybe even dig out my Bretonnians for a 3k game! I do need to finish painting them though... I made great strides over the August holiday but then they got packed away for other projects. It might be time to unbox ready to wage war in the End Times.

Next week we will be back to 40k goodness with the Apocalypse of Port Maw where I will be taking on Graham in a 3000 point game!

Meanwhile... here are some pics of our gaming night from the 40k side!

That's all from me for now. More photos on my twitter account @geekphotoguy!

So, I'll see you soon! 

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