Saturday 6 August 2016

The Big League (Guild Ball)

It's been labelled as the biggest league since the conception of the MLS! Finally, the Guild Ball Big League rolls into Phoenix Games! All the pomp and circumstance will be brought out, who knows - we might even find a 70+ singing superstar who no-one has ever heard of to sing the national anthem while we stand there teary eyed, blinking back the pain in order to compete for victory for our Guild.

Rob (@derby_malal) has been press ganging people into entering the violent world of Guild Ball and with my current experience, I am more than experienced enough to take away the wooden spoon! For the win!!!
I hadn't realised until recently that you can win other awards throughout the league - one being for aquiring 'Favours' over the course of the league. The more games you lose, the more favours you gain! Hurrah! Something right up my street. Favours can be spent on hiring players (more on this in a bit) or enhancements to a player for that particular game/part of the match.

Recently I've purchased Tater of the Farmers' Guild who, in the Big League, can work for anyone for the cost of a favour. Now, his abilities mean that
His ability to knock down models within his melee zone (2") seems a strong tactic, particuarly with Scalpel and crew coming in. To be fair, he's not a bad character and I really want to get him on the table to see how the harvet markers work in tandem with him!
*Please Steamforged Games... Give me the Farmers' now! Let me be the first to fuck them up!*

Anyway, onto the draw. I've been given my full shedule for the weeks and I have a bye in Week 2. Now, there are a few players who I know which teams they're playing. Others, I'm not sure about but as I play them you'll find out! It'll be just like Christmas! Here's what I've got:

Round 1: Iron Sides (@irons1de ) Union
Round 2: Bye
Round 3: Jimmy Union
Round 4: Archie Brewers
Round 5: Rob (@derby_malal) Alchemists (although, he could play me with Blood Bowl models and I'd still lose!)
Round 6: Matt Fishermen
Round 7: Paul Brewers
Round 8: Andy  Union
Round 9: Adam Fishermen
Round 10: Pete Hunters
Round 11: Hagrid Fishermen
Round 12: Russ Butchers
Round 13: Jonah Morticians
Round 14: Matt (@thetweetsofmatt) Whatever he hasn't sold, which at this time is the Butchers!
Round 15: Steve (@furryjamhats) Brewers

Now, I've got a fair idea of the teams and through listening to podcasts and reading bits and pieces. The problem is actually being able to stop them from doing what they do!
I would imagine with some of the players that I've heard of, I'd be able to nulify them in the games but it's dealing with the unknown.

 I have also selected 12 Plot cards from the Season I, II and Big League selection. I would love to tell you what I've selected but I cannot for the life of me remember. I am sure that Mr. Smith will tell me again once the league starts!

Looking forward to the begining of the league but I may have to get some models painted first instead of the slap of paint I've just put on my current squad (and even paint Rage and Minx!). The tension in the air is just too tense!
The Archangels are about to take to the field!

It's nearly time for the big kick-off! Let's see how we do!
Thanks for reading!
I'll see you soon.

 Before I properly sign off, I wonder how many of you Guild Ball fans saw this...

A scarecrow with a sickle? Bring on the Farmers!

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