Friday 9 January 2015

Just another manic Friday!

Well, it's that time of the week again where gaming is on the agenda! Not just geek filled but also sport related! Huzzah!
At the end of a long week all you want to really do is kick back, relax and casually swear at friends across a table when they flip a red joker for damage... #teehee.

So Friday was the 'possible task' with two games to be played in the space of around 5 hours - Warmachine and Malifaux down at my LGS (Titan Games - @TitanGamesLtd). As it happened... that didn't happen! I managed to get two games of Malifaux in instead!

Now, I haven't played Warmahordes in a long time. The last time I played was a growth league but due to lacrosse and other commitments, it wasn't possible to go every week. I have a funny feeling I was near the top of the table after two weeks too! I've always had an affinity for the models and now I want to pick it up again. I know at WS10 that Graham (@Wilsongrahams) has a few Khador models and we've played a game or two in the past but nothing serious. Over previous conversations I've had with him, we may get a game at some point.
I've been looking at Legion of Everblight which is a Hordes faction with lots of very macabre beasts - some flying dragony type beasts. I quite like the look of the faction but I need to play it to see if I truly like it.
It just so happens that there is an abundance of people who are selling their Legion at the moment so there is plenty of choice. I have had two lists constructed which I am looking to build if I go ahead:

List 1:
Absylonia, Terror of Everblight (*5pts)

* Harrier (2pts)

* Raek (4pts)

* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)

* Carnivean (10pts)
* Carnivean (10pts)

* Typhon (11pts)

Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)

The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)

List 2:
Saeryn, Omen of Everblight (*5pts)

* Raek (4pts)

* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)
* Shredder (2pts)

* Angelius (9pts)
* Angelius (9pts)
* Angelius (9pts)

* Carnivean (11pts)

Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)

1 Spell Martyr (1pts)

The Forsaken (2pts)
The Forsaken (2pts)

 Hopefully I can play soon. I am definitely getting some Legion to get me underway so that'll be a good start and I can play and get the hang of it later!

In place of not playing Warmachine (which some would argue is a good thing), I managed to pick up a game against Andy who has played for about a year and has always used Outcasts. Previously, he has used the Viks which have been devastating but he has turned his hand to Von Schill! So this should be fun! I wanted to have a look at using one faction, three masters this year so I could really get the hang of it. I was hell bent on using outcasts with Levi, Jack Daw and Tara... But I've got a dreamer box and now a Zoraida box... And a metal Collodi... And some puppets... So I thought, what the hell! I'll give neverborn a run out! Please bear in mind that these are trial games for me and the neverborn so there will be mistakes along the way! If you find any, please let me know as I need to sort them out as quickly as possible!

Scheme: Reckoning
Strats:  Line in the Sand, Assassinate, Spring the Trap, Deliver a Message, Breakthrough.
Deployment: Flank

My Crew:
Faction Declared: Neverborn

- Dreams of Pain
- Restless Dreamers
- Tantrum

Lord Chompy Bits

Stitched Together
Stitched Together
Stitched Together
Insiduous Madness
Insiduous Madness

Strats: Line in the Sand (announced), Deliver a Message (announced).

Andy's Crew
Faction: Outcasts

Von Schill
- The Shirt Comes Off
- Oath Keeper

- Scramble

Friekorps Specialist
Friekorps Trapper
Student of Conflict
Friekorps Librarian

Strats: Deliver a Message (announced), Spring the Trap (unannounced)


Key Moments:
- Flipping the black joker on a shot against a Friekorpsmen and Andy flipping the red joker for defense.

- Dreamer 'wakes' and drops Chompy infront of Von Schill who promptly delivers a message!
- 2 Stitched Together take down Bishop with Game of Chance after he gives then reactivate.
- Stitched Together's Game of Chance flip on a Friekorpsmen with one wound remaining...

So we got to turn 3 and Andy called it there. I was currently on 5 VP and after adding the announced Line in the Sand strat, it ended 8-1 to me!

***Sidenote: It has been pointed out by an anonymous well known dreamer player from the Leicistershire region of the country that I have taken two limited upgrades on Dreamer, which I wasn't aware of! Apologies for this! As it's my third game with him, I'm trying to get to grips with everything! And to be fair, it was 5ss wasted as I didn't even use the bloody thing! Should have taken a terror tot...***

Now... the next game of Malifaux! I have had a few conversations with Matt (@thetweetsofmatt) about our games and trying out the new strats. We have tried one last week and guess what... we're doing it again this week, just for added spice!

*I will add at this point that I have been listening very intently to the Before We Begin podcast with Dan Johnson (@danissome1) hosting and Ewan (@iamthefly1) as this week's guest. This episode was all about Zoraida and her minions. I must say, I was taken by her. I really love some of the masters in Malifaux (Tara being the prime example) and this is one, after listening to the podcast, I quite like the sound of. I've acquired Dreamer and Collodi and now I've got Zoraida that's three masters in the faction which I really like the feel of and have an affinity for for one reason or another.

This was more of a learning game but with a hint of seriousness because of the Masters next week (the side event, not the actual thing!). I will hopefully be bringing you some photos on Twitter of the Masters models next week too!

Scheme: Interference
Strats:  Line in the Sand, Protect Territory, Bodyguard, Plant Explosives and Power Ritual
Deployment: Standard

My Crew:
Faction Declared: Neverborn

- Hexed among you
- Crystal Ball

Bad Juju
- Eternal Fiend


Strats: Line in the Sand (Declared), Power Ritual (Declared)

Matt's Crew:
Faction: Ressers

- Tear of the Gorgon
- Forgotten Life

Bete Noire
- Unnerving Aura

Rotten Belle
Rotten Belle
Dead Doxy
Dead Doxy

Strats: Line in the Sand (Declared), Power Ritual (Declared)

With this crew (thanks to Ewan), it is designed to complete Line in the Sand fairly easily but with the pool given, it's a bit of a gimme to get the strat points... hopefully!

Here we go...

Key Moments:
- Waldgiests set up and use their (0) action to make 2 50mm severe, soft cover trees which block off available sections for Doxies and Belles to move.
-Molly sets up on the far left of the board, spreading the crew out.
- Doxy and Belle combine to knock a Waldgiest down to 2 wounds in one turn.
- Crooligan dies and Bete Noire bursts out, slaughtering the nearby Silurid.
- Bad Juju comes from a destroyed Waldgiest and wipes a Doxy off the board.
- Silurids use their leap ability to drop 5 scheme marks on the centre line in 3 turns.
- Voodoo Doll Hems a Crooligan and uses the Sorrow's Paralyzed ability to stop the Crooligan getting the power ritual marker.
I will point out that I'm proxying Waldgiests... And walls... So the flesh construct in the picture is the waldgiests and anything which is painted to some degree of decency ... Isn't mine and is actually a wall! 

Overall, a brilliant game! It was a really tough slog to get the strat points for Power Ritual with so much on the table but leap is just ace!!! Matt decided to call the game at the end of turn 3 and we totted up the points which would have been gained up to Turn 5. So, in the end I won 9-3! Did actually forget that I had originally put mimic's blessing on Bad Juju which I completely forgot about but it doesn't really matter! I would like to try him with it though! 

A good game and I think I will take Zoraida and Dreamer to the Masters side event to see how far I get! I could really do with another game (or two!) before the tournament next weekend but I don't know how possible that would be. Maybe I'll get a game on Vassal... If anyone would like to completely stomp me into the ground, please let me know and we can find a time to do so! 

Well, that's all from me for now! I'll be back soon with some updates on my Neverborn... and Outcasts... SO MANY MODELS!!!

Before I go... a few pics for a shoot I did down at Titan tonight. Here is Steve G's Imperial Force for Warzone!

Thanks for reading!
I'll see you soon!

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