Sunday 4 January 2015

Tabletop Sale!

Good evening geeks of all ages! What a week this has been. Unfortunately I have to face reality tomorrow and go back to work! Shit! On the plus side, today has been mostly awesome!

Today (Sunday) I went along to Penkridge Wargames Fair which was more like a tabletop sale. It combined private sellers and companies together to sell their wargames products. It was a really interesting experience as I've never been to one before and wasn't quite sure what to expect. Sure, there are nerdy geeks (mainly @Petehumpage) who rummage through the stuff early and get all the good deals but all in all, it was excellent! If you see one near you, get to it! 

I went early to help Pete set up, although due to frost on a car windscreen I managed to arrive late (convenient)! Anyway, after having a scout round for 5 mins I found a lad who was selling old Metal Malifaux models! IDEAL! I had been looking for Collodi for a while and to find him here was excellent! The opportunity to pick up Hamelin was too good to resist and then the Performer and Mannequin (which I want to use the mannequin as a proxy Coraphee for my Levi crew) was just on the table. The last one (middle right) you may not have seen before - this is the Twisted Apparition pack. I saw these for the first time last night whilst browsing online and I was half tempted to get them but couldn't find any in stock! Today, on the table they were there... the only pack... SOLD! So one seller got a little bit of cash from me and another seller had the Puppet Wars Pawns pack which I've been looking for again for ages. I've stolen Mike Marshall's idea of using the puppet wars puppets as Collodi's puppets which is cool! (Sorry Mike, but it was a good idea!)

Finally, I was looking at a Magic The Gathering stall when I came across this little trinket... Pocket Battles. First of all the fact it's American Civil war really got me interested and then I found out it's like a wargame but without minis, just cards to use on the table! A simple card game it seems to play with others at points of lull!
I was with Pete, Stuart, Liam, Andy, Midders (Rich) and Lil Dan (he's called little Dan cos he's 7, not that he's got a growth defect or he's insanely tall!). They also managed to pick up some great bargains like; Sgt Telion for 20p and Lilith Dark Eldar Babe for 20p too (yes, that is her technical name)!

Once home, after my run... yes, I said run, I got to building some minis. I'm currently in the process of selling a collection of minis which will make space in my garage for more minis... HA! Currently I have many Malifaux figures, some of which I will probably need to get rid of at some point, which are unbuilt. What better time than now?! 

So what have I got? 
Well... the Black Friday bonus minis are a start...

I've assembled by Jack Daw crew with the 3 Apparitions I'm going to proxy as tormented... only one problem - wrong sized bases! Should be 40mm so before I play again that'll have to change!

Here is Collodi and his puppet warband. I'm not going to use all the puppets in the game I thought it might be nice to base and paint them and then I can select which ones I want when I want... cos I'm that sort of lad!

Built Sniper and Gremlin (Black Friday Minis)

A picture of all the minis that I have bought today plus Jack Daw and Molly (far left) that I got from Black Friday. Really love the Hamelin model!

And because I've got time... I started painting! I wanted Collodi to have a black feel, simples.
Hopefully I can get these finished soon! Will keep chipping away at them.

Thanks for reading.
I'll see you soon!

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