Friday 23 January 2015

The first ever meeting of WS10 Gaming as a proper club!

I have had so much going on this week it is unreal! Wednesday and Friday contain some (semi-)friendly (tournament practice) games against Matt (@thetweetsofmatt), a Malifaux Tournament at Titan Games in Stourbridge (@TitanGamesLtd), a Vassalfaux game against Ewan (@iamthefly1) and the first ever club night of WS10 Gaming (@WS10Gaming - give us a follow!)! So a very very busy week and I've pumped out blog posts like no tomorrow!

This one is not Malifaux related, for a change!

So who are WS10?
WS10 are a small gaming group based in Wednesbury who meet once a month at the Horse and Jockey pub in Wednesbury. Gaming nights are a Thursday but the day varies from month to month.

Who to contact?
If you want to know more, get in contact with Pete (@petehumpage or and he will tell you all you need to know.

Is there any cost?
There is a small fee every session which goes towards club scenery and boards. This is a new club so building a player base and resources is key.

How many members are there?
Currently, there are only around 12 members so a small friendly player base with varying experience in different games systems.

What do they play?
Most systems are played, although it's better to check first! Those who are reading this will know I play Malifaux, 40k, a bit of Fantasy, Warmahordes, Star Trek Attack Wing and Relic Knights - so I'm just a hobby whore! There are others who play different games too. Primarily, the GW systems are played and smaller board games.

Anything Else?
Well yes, aren't you asking all the right questions today! WS10 are running tournaments starting with a 1500point 40k Highlander which I've been roped in on reporting from so keep your eyes peeled for that one! There will be more tournaments coming up, hopefully including some Malifaux!

So the first night saw a whole host of people playing - all 40k this month but that will definitely change! I'll make sure of that!

The playlist looks like this:

Me (@geekphotoguy) vs. Adam H (@VonStilton)
Lukan (@lukanwhitehouse) vs. Tom
Graham (@Wilsongrahams) vs. Gareth (@gcp129) ***Graham couldn't make it so Matt (@thetweetsofmatt) stepped in
Nige (@NigelSBartlett) vs. Stu (@captainhelvetos)
Liam (@Liamhumpage) vs. Andrew
Pete (@Petehumpage) vs. Gaz (@Gaz_T)
Nick (@slanneshfiend) vs. Ade (@ArtfulDodgerUK)

My game against Adam saw me give a run out to the Sister/Marine list which I'm ever so fond of (due to having 20 models on the table which is about my limit!).

Just to remind you:

Sister Squad
- Simcrulum Imperialis
Sister Squad
- Simcrulum Imperialis


- Sniper Rifles

Devestator Centurions
- Grav-amps
- Omni-scope
 Land Raider Transport

Assault Centurions
- Omni-scope
- Meltas
Land Raider Transport

Adam is returning back to 40k after a long absence. I last saw him play about 6 months ago at a tournament I was running. This time he has been using a combination of Dark Angels and Imperial Guard! It's been an age since I've faced either of these armies so I was really looking forward to it!

Adam took (roughly)
Pask in a Punisher with a Battle Cannon Russ in his unit
2 x 10 Guardsmen in Chimeras with Lascannons
2 x 5 Terminators with Assault Cannon, Power Sword and Chain Fist.

We decided to play a kill points game but we didn't actually keep a record of what we killed!

Key Moments:
- Manticore takes away a hull point from 2 Exorcists
- Battle Cannon wipes out 3 Sisters and took away 1 hull point from another Exorcist
- Grav Cents take wreck a Chimera and Guard disembark
- Assault Cent's Land Raider goes up the board and unleashes the Cents with Tiggy in front of Pask's tank.
- Assault Cents open Pask's tank up like a tin of baked beans
- Pask's Tank explodes and takes a wound off a Centurion in the blast back!
- Two Termies squads drop down and wipe out my Warlord and a squad of Sisters.
- Assault cannon rends the side of an Exorcist and BLOWS IT UP... :-/
- Exorcists wipe out Belial's termie unit leaving him facing 2 Exorcists (about 6" away).
- Exorcists open fire on Belial - 9 shots at AP1! Belial has 3 wounds to save... 6, 5, 2... dead!
- Last turn Ad had 4 termies and a Vendetta left on the board. I had lost 1 squad of sisters, Warlord, Exorcist and scouts.

Overall, I'm not sure what the points are but for the first time in a long time I felt really good about playing 40k for fun! It was just a silly game with loads of really funny, stand out moments! I enjoyed playing Ad and I hope that I can get another game for 40k against him soon! I will be playing him at Malifaux next week though (hopefully)!

A few photos from the club night:

As you can see, there is plenty of room for our little club! With loads of new battle mats!

If you want to get involved with WS10 find either Pete (@PeterHumpage) or Nick (@Slaaneshfiend) on Twitter... or find me! We will of course be glad to see you!

Until next time, thanks for reading!
I'll see you soon (maybe down a club night!)

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