Tuesday 4 February 2014

The one about the Blood Angels surprise Tournament List...

Tonight was going to be about my adventures of painting my tournament army and a short section on Wild West BUT something more important has come up!

To say sorry, here is a pic for you to enjoy:

One of our gaming group can't make Battlefield Birmingham V, so one of our group's son is going to take his place (hopefully!) The problem he's got at the moment is he hasn't played a great deal of games of 6th ed but also large points. He has played in the school league run by GW but that doesn't cover any great point costs!

So in a convo with my mate (@petehumpage on Twitter!) I decided that I would just run a few list ideas out there for Blood Angels and possibly allies!
Well... problem number 2 arises... there is only a certain amount of BA models this lad has!

So here is the model count and what we have to work with:
20 Tact Marines
10 Assault
10 Devs
5 Termies
Drop Pod
2 Baal Preds
Storm Raven

On top of that; Aegis with Quad, Guard models inc a manticore and Valkyrie, Librarian, Centurions, Scouts and Cotez... yeah that's right, I went there!

Okay, so you look at that and go... WOAH! There's a load of stuff there! But when you break it down with 2 weeks to go till a major tourney... it's going to be a big push to get it all in a list and practice!

Right... So here we go... We're looking for an army which will be competitive and won't get steamrollered but something which is fairly easy to play!

Primary Detachment: Blood Angels
HQ1: Captain (100), Terminator Armour (40): 140
A more or less bare captain... well... yes... but he doesn't have to be the Warlord!

Elite 1: Terminator Assault Squad (200): 200
Drop the pod down on the 1st turn and then beacon the termies down after. This can work in combo with the Baal if it scouts. Create a distraction! Put the Captain in the Termies too!

Troop 1: Tactical Squad (106), Melta Bombs (5), Plasma Gun (10): 121
Troop 2: Tactical Squad: 10 Marines (170), Melta Bombs (5), Multi-Melta (0), Meltagun (5): 180
Troop 3: Assault Squad: 10 Marines (190), Melta Bombs (5): 195
Okay, only 3 scoring units / kill points! But they can all combat squad so effectively 5 scoring units if needed.

Transport 1:  Drop Pod (35), Locator Beacon (10): 45

Fast Attack 1: Baal Predator (115), Flamestorm Cannon (0), Heavy Bolters (30): 145

Heavy Support 1: Stormraven Gunship (200), twin-linked lascannon (0), twin-linked multi-melta (0): 200
Heavy Support 2: Devastator Squad (90), 2 Lascannon (50), 2 Missile Launcher (20): 160
Allied Detachment: Space Marines

HQ 1: Chief Librarian Tigurius (165); 165

Troop 1: Scout Squad (55), 5 Camo Cloaks (10), 5 Sniper Rifles (5): 70

Allied Detachment: Inquisition
HQ 1: Inquisitor Cotez (100): 100


Bastion (75) Quad Gun (50): 125

Total Cost: 1846

Yes Tictac time! 
So drop pod with beacon - down and get the termies down next turn. Nothing in the pod, just drop it down! If it's put in the right position, then it can block pathways across the battlefield.
Gunship for air dominance.
Tigger in Dev squad taking away cover (hopefully!)
Cotez in the termies if they don't deep strike OR go into the devs depending on power they have. Alternatively, Cotez in the 6 man tact squad and go in the Raven! ZOOOOM! Or just walk on from the back.

The Bastion provides good AV14 cover for a squad which is hard to break down and with Tigger inside he can cause a lot of problems (or Cotez!) It's deciding where to put the bastion! I would go at putting it right on the battle line so if it is night fighting in the first turn then well it might help with shaving off a few inches and also giving troops some cover to hide behind before getting the crap shot out of them by Tau!!! 

There are different combos with allies and structure of an army, however with the current model count and playing experience (put in the nicest possible way) I think this is an army which can compete and lay out some damage as well as taking it!

So dex galore tonight! It's been fun looking at Angels again, I would like to build a list later looking a Dante, Tycho and/or Astorath! I will pick the book up again one day!

Thanks for reading! I'll see you soon!

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