Tuesday 11 February 2014

The one where I finally talk about Wild West!

Hello Hello!

I managed to survive my trip to Slovakia without getting mugged or arrested, which is quite an achievement! Being with German people too I think I deserve a medal as I didn't say anything war related! Go me!

Anyway, that's the boring stuff and on to the geek!

I have wanted to chat about wild west for some time but other stuff got in the way! Now seems a good time though! Before I do that, I have been buying things in mass quantities...

FIRSTLY... The new MTG: Born of the Gods booster box! As a child, I always wanted a booster and I thought, I've got a spare £95 why not! After opening, I was very pleased with the cards! I do need to go through them all and create some decks! My collection is rapidly growing but will stop for a few months...maybe longer, but I'll come on to that!
So, quite a wonderful box of tricks! I haven't been playing MTG long and I do enjoy it. What I find slightly annoying is the fact that you cannot use 'older cards' in my LGS because they play Standard Edition... Well, if you've got cards from years ago why shouldn't you be able to use them?! It's like banning Rouge Trader figures in 40k because they're too old! Complete crap! Anyway...nevermind! I enjoy playing it! I've made a White/Red deck which is standard legal!

I have recently joined the eBay revolution (recently being 3/4 months) and I like to find a few bargains on there. e.g - 2 Forgeworld Sisters of Battle Exorcists for £45 Fully painted! Huzzah! So, now I've got hold of a Dreamer Crew for Malifaux painted to a half decent standard for £20! I'm really impressed with the purchase and I've been reading through the rules! I think it'll take me a bit of time to get used to the Neverborn game system as opposed to the WAAC/Renegade style of the Ten Thunders! It's something I'm looking forward to. The reason I've bought these is not because I have an affinity for the Neverborn faction but something about a small child summoning Lord Chompy Bits just appeals to me! I'll be looking to use these figures at some point (along with my Outcasts!)


 So the crew with additional models and Lord Chompy Bits! I do like the basing, although because it's customised I need to find something more or less on the same lines! I have looked and bought a few similar items so I'm hoping they'll work! The only thing I've bought in addition to these models are 3 Sorrows! Again, something about ghostly figures from the imagination of a child!

On top of this, I've nearly got Hamelin finished which has been a fairly quick turn around since I had them based two weekends ago! Again, I want to get these used and see how well they perform! Yet again, no affinity to Outcasts, just like Hamelin and the original story!

I'm really pleased with the bases! Particularly the ones with sewers running through!

I have suggested the idea of a few games of Malifaux with my gaming group to see if its their type of thing and I really do think that it would be right up their street! It follows (more or less) the same lines at the Wild West game we play, so that's not too much of a games shift! I know that Nige loves some of the figures, so he would get on really well with it and the rest, well, I feel there's something for everyone! Time will tell if I can get a few people to play a few games!

Now...the main event!
Ever since childhood I've been really interested in cowboys and the Wild West! Not so much the films with our friend Clint, but the imagery of the west and the models that I've acquired I really love!
I've only ever played the old Warhammer Historical: Legends of the Old West 4 times but it is a game that I have a great affinity to! The fact that you can choose your type of posse (cowboys, outlaws or lawmen) provides a great scope for what you can achieve over a long running campaign. It follows the format of Mordihiem and Necromunda in terms of its small skirmish game play and continuous campaign format. You can upgrade characters and have abilities or injuries happen... In Nick's case - One armed Joe who has, as the name suggests, one arm but is tooled up to the nines with upgrades so he shoots the crap out of people at an alarming rate!

Something which appeals to me is the low model count, just like Malifaux and the aforementioned GW games! The picture above is Nick's Lawmen Posse outside the Sheriff's Office! On the right - One Armed Joe! There is a problem; my cowboy posse could come and tear up the town at any time and it's always important to be prepared...

 Something about sloggin' it out in the big cities of the Wild West! Terrain, similar to Malifaux, gives an experience of a city or, if you wanted, the wide open plains!

So, my Posse! As I said earlier, I loved Wild West growing up and the Cowboys really did it for me, so unsurprisingly I've gone for a cowboy posse! What I really love is the fact the minis are all armed differently, and they're metal!!!
The mini's I've purchased are from Black Scorpion. They're quite well priced with 5 models for £7...ish! I do like the fact they have cowgirls too! I've now got around 20 models and 3 horses, so a reasonably sized posse for bigger games!

Those pictures are just a few of my completed minis in my posse. I need to finish off the rest (when I can find the time)! 
I really do love this game and it is a shame I can't play more! 

Before I go tonight, another piece of GROUNDBREAKING NEWS...
My Mrs has laid down the gauntlet and has challenged me to build and nearly paint all of my current minis. She has a bet going that I can't do that without buying any more minis! Well, a massive challenge and something which is slightly scary! It will however mean that I will have a shed load of cash at the end of this time and I will get models painted... I know... PAINTED!!! We are going until her birthday (April), so there is a lot to do to see if I can get it all done! Updates will be posted!

Only a few days away now from Battlefield Birmingham... I have my list finalized so all I need to do it type it up and print it off! Once again, updates to come!!!

Thanks for reading. I'll see you soon!

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