Sunday 2 February 2014

The one where Ten Thunders rule!

So maYbe not badSoIt's been a long time since I've blogged about anything, especially gaming. I used to run the #WS10Gaming blog on wordpress, but due to one circumstance or another that has stopped for the moment. 
I thought it would be a good idea to post my blog of everything I do up, with photos and comments of the stuff I do and the games I play I the land of geek! 
Those who know me on Twitter will know I post a lot of photos of my friends minis as well as some of my own. The reason I post my friends is because I'm incompetent at paint and whatever I paint, unless it's dry brushing, looks complete bollocks! If you have stumbled upon this post and you are interested in checking out some of the minis I take pics of then check me out on twitter @geekphotoguy. Alternatively, I shall post some of the photos up here! 

So, a little about me... Well, I'm a massive geek. I really love gaming, as well all do in one form or another. I play predominantly 2 games systems: 40k and Malifaux but I have models and limited knowledge in others: Fantasy, Warmahordes, X-wing! Attack Wing, Legends of the old west and Magic the Gathering, and I shall play when the opportunity and desperate need of a player arises! 

As stated before, I'm not one to paint fantastic minis, I leave that to my friends! I better show you what I mean... 
 So this is my Hamelin  figure that I lovingly debased and rebased as part of my 'make everything look pretty' campaign on Saturday. It has taken me less than a day, in time spent on him, to come up with this result! Now, I. Very happy with this don't get me wrong and I think it's okay as tabletop standard but it's nothing that really stands out! 
Now I mentioned my friend Nigel (@nigelsbartlett on twitter)... Well I've tasked him with painting my Malifaux Ten Thunders crew, a crew I'd use at a tournament, not like Hamelin who I'd use at my Local Gaming Store! And Nige's results come up slightly differently to mine... Have a look at the progress he has made so far... 
 Now a side view with tattoo... 
 This is his progress so far! The problem is, I keep buying models for him to paint! I think the count now is around 40 Ten Thunder Models! I know, yes it's all of the current range! But I can't help it! They're just so pretty!!! The problem comes when I have to find payment because it's not cash he wants, it's figures! I'll do a post about Nige, as well as all my other fellow gamers soon (when I don't have to go to work) and show you some of the things he owns and what he wants! Believe me when I tell you, I've got a real bargain! 

My Malifaux addiction continues with games at a store and gaming club, as well as at home where I've even convinced the Mrs to take up playing, now she runs a Guild crew because she likes the model of Lady J! 

I mentioned I played 40k and I'll come on to that in another post with the things I'm doing. I have recently entered the world of tournaments and my first tourney I'm building up to is Battlefield Birmingham in feb. I wanted to enter the tournament scene to see what it was like, also, to gain experience of playing 'harder' players who are out of my comfort zone. I'll post my tournament list and talk about how it evolved later on! 

See you soon! 

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