Friday 28 February 2014

The one where Death or Glory 2 is close...

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted and I've not been dormant! I have been gathering Chaosy goodness ready to unleash on an unsuspecting victim... Before I do that, I need to get on to my list for Death or Glory!

I have signed up for a tournament (Death or Glory if you didn't know) in Woking with some real big name players of the UK tournament scene. In truth... I'm properly bricking it! I know what to expect from a tournament but I don't know what to expect from this one. I've seen links on YouTube about the previous tourney with mass drinking games in the evening, the problem is that I'm staying over a mates house 40 minutes away... So I think that I'll have to pass on those! The plus side to that is at least on the 2nd day I may finish in the top half of the table! That would be partly due to the fact half of the table didn't turn up! However I get there...I'd be happy!

Now...on to list submission!

I have toyed with different combinations of lists from the most bizzare (GK/Eldar, GK/Necrons, DE/CSM) to some fairly well established lists (DE/Eldar, CSM/Daemons, CSM, GK). I was toying with taking my CSM/Daemon list with 3 Maulerfiends, 3 Heldrakes and a Soulgrinder *cough* powergamingwanker *cough* but I'm missing one thing... my cultists ("Oh No! Not the cultists!"). They are actually in Plymouth! So even if I could drybrush the shit out of all my models I would be missing the most vital 50 points of my army :-/! Well, I'd be missing a troop choice! And to be fair, with the level I've painted the last few CSM models, I don't want to ruin it so I'm looking to take that list to War of the Roses. Provided I can get it painted in time, which shouldn't be too hard due to the fact I've got 7 massive beasts and a few troops!

For this tourney, I've gone back to my roots... I've gone back to one of my first loves of 40k... Sisters of Battle. Not just love as in orgasm but love as in quite liking the models! So when the tissues out of the way and the hands have been wiped I went on to writing my list! The problem I've got is that I've got a selection of Sisters but as you may be aware... they're not that powerful! I do like them as a starting list and I can get strong/cheap troops out of them and spam the heavy support because lets be honest, there isn't really any other option! They do however need to be allied with something... So I tried two different combos. I went to try my original allied combo - Sisters/GK and I experimented with a few different combos in previous lists, finally I settled on this one:

Primary Detachment: Sisters of Battle / Adeptus Sororitas

Celetine [135]: 135

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Heavy Support
Exorcist [125] Dozer Blade [5]: 130

Exorcist [125] Dozer Blade [5]: 130

Exorcist [125] Dozer Blade [5]: 130

Allied Detachment: Space Marines

Allied HQ
Chief Librarian Tigurius [165]: 165

Allied Troop
Scout Squad [55] 5 Camo Cloaks [10] 5 Sniper Rifles [5]: 70

Allied Heavy Support
Centurion Devastator Squad [190] 3 Grav Cannons and Grav Amps [60] Omniscope [10]: 260

Dedicated Transport
Land Raider Redeemer [240] Multimelta [10]: 250

Codex: Inquisition DetachmentHQ
Inquisitor Cotez [100]: 100

Army Total: 1850

So, no anti air really, but I figured with Tigger in a centurion unit then what does it matter?! I can reroll and smash a vehicle to shit rather than have something else that can get shot down!

There we go! A quick post to tell you how non-gamey this list is! I do expect to get decimated but I've not really used sisters in a competitive atmosphere (with the greatest respect to my friends and gamers) where they can be pushed to their limits, i.e Death!
I wrote another list (with models I don't own!) which would be my ideal Sisters with Allies list! It is, of course, with the IG! Not just for the fact I can rain down cheap troops and they are Battle Brothers or Sisters... but they have the ability to get some of the best flyers in the game in cheap squadrons! This would enable me to have 3 Vendettas as one FA slot... Oh yes!
So the list would look like this:

Primary Detachment: Sisters of Battle / Adeptus Sororitas

Celetine [135]: 135

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Sister Squad [60] 5 additional Sisters [60] 2 Meltaguns [20] Simulacrum Imperialis [10] Condemnor Boltgun [10]: 160

Heavy Support
Exorcist [125]: 125

Exorcist [125]: 125

Exorcist [125]: 125

Allied Detachment: Imperial Guard

Allied HQ
Company Command Squad [50] Master of Ordnance [30]: 80

Allied Troop
Veteran Squad [70] 3 Meltaguns [30]: 100

Allied Fast Attack
3 Vendetta Gunship Squadron [390] 3 Heavy Bolters [30]: 420

Allied Heavy Support
Manticore [160]: 160

Codex: Inquisition DetachmentHQ
Inquisitor Cotez [100]: 100

Army Total: 1850

You've heard of Heldrake city...well...Vendetta Town! Yeah okay, it was a shit attempt! My bad! Sorry!

Before I go to the tournament I will be playing against Nath (@NinjaNathUK). Now, if you remember Nath used a Raptor against me last time and it was DEADLY! Well... he's been giving it the big guns (quite literally) on Twitter and I'll be interested to see his concoction of a list! I've looked at a previous 1500 list he wrote for October ToS and there is some really nasty stuff! Can't wait to see what's happening with that! I will post my list of what I am using for Friday on here during next week! I can hear you screaming at the screen going "You Twat! Play your DoG list!" And, you have a point. However, it's not valid and I don't care! I want to be well versed in a list and the DoG was a spur of a moment thing as I was on the reserve list and I couldn't really get much of a varied force together! I will be however play test lists for WotR in May!

I'll of course keep you informed of the tournament next week!

Thanks for reading! I'll see you soon!

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